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Poll: Mainers support reforms proposed by LePage

Maine People Before Politics, which was formed to ensure policies that benefit all of the people of Maine—not just the special interests—get a fair hearing, has released a statewide survey reflecting the views of Maine people on some of the important issues being debated in Augusta.

In the survey conducted by nationally known TelOpinion Research, a large majority of Maine people voiced support for the policy objectives that have been presented by Governor Paul LePage and the new Legislative Leadership in the State Capitol.

“These results affirm what the majority of people know as they talk with their friends and neighbors throughout our state: Maine people not only want but need reform to create jobs, lower taxes and fix our state spending problem,” said Jason Savage, executive director of Maine People Before Politics.

“Maine people want both parties in the Legislature and the Governor to work together to solve these problems,” he said.

Key findings in the poll include:

A very large majority (76 percent) of Mainers agree Maine’s welfare programs are ineffective, that spending for welfare is too high and it needs to be reformed.

61 percent of Maine people support tax cuts that put more money in the pockets of Maine families and encourage businesses to create jobs.

Red tape government bureaucracy is an obstacle to job creation, according to 76 percent.

By a margin of 61 to 26 percent, Maine people think state government could cut its workforce and still provide a high level of service.

More Maine people believe Maine state government is facing a spending and debt crisis in part caused by a government employee pension problem—and 61 percent believe government employees should share in the sacrifice when it comes to fixing Maine’s budget by agreeing to a cut in pay and giving up some benefits.

“These numbers are very large in terms of the people who support these reforms versus those who oppose them,” said MPBP Strategic Adviser Brent Littlefield. “Governor LePage and the Legislative Leadership have rolled out a bold reform agenda, and the Maine people support it.”

The poll was done with live callers, not pre-recorded calls, and reflects a sample size of 500 with only a variance of 4.5 percent. It was conducted during the final week of March 2011. Poll questions and results can be obtained at:

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