Mechanic Falls third-grader honored as Anthem Hero at Hadlock

As part of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s continued commitment to supporting the prevention and treatment of cancer and the work of the Maine Children’s Cancer Program, eight-year-old cancer survivor Norman Albert of Mechanic Falls was honored recently as an Anthem Hero at Hadlock for the courage he displayed in battling a rare form of cancer at a young age.
Albert is the second of four Anthem Heroes be recognized during the Portland Sea Dogs’ 2019 season. The ceremony took place prior to the July 27 game at Hadlock Field in Portland.
“Norman has shown such strength and perseverance during his cancer battle over this past year that we are all inspired by his fight against this disease,” said Denise McDonough, president of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Maine. “Norman’s courage is one of the many reasons why we’re honoring him as our second Hero at Hadlock this summer, and why Anthem is proud to support the critical efforts of the Maine Children’s Cancer Program to treat and prevent childhood cancer.”
Last summer, seven-year-old Albert went for an x-ray for pain in his left arm. The x-ray revealed a tumor on his arm and, after additional tests, he was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma. He began chemotherapy in September at the Maine Children’s Cancer Program and, in January, had the cancerous bone removed and replaced with a titanium prosthetic implant at Boston Children’s Hospital. Now eight-years-old and entering third grade, he loves playing video games, building with Legos, listening to music, and reading about medieval weapons and armor.
The Anthem Heroes at Hadlock program provides children who have battled a serious medical condition with a once-in-a-lifetime experience at Hadlock Field. Each honoree takes a celebratory home run lap around the bases of Hadlock prior to a Sea Dogs home game while the players give the child high-fives and the crowd provides a standing ovation. The children and their families also receive a number of Sea Dogs souvenirs and other VIP privileges.