Troop 121 expands Christmas tree collection service
Boy Scout Troop 121 of Auburn will again collect discarded Christmas trees for delivery to a local recycling center this year. Last January, in the first year of the service, the Troop collected over 80 trees from residents of Auburn; this year, the troop will expand the service to include residents of Lewiston. While the cities of Auburn and Lewiston provide locations for free tree disposal, they no longer collect the trees at curbside.
Troop 121 was created to help give youth with special physical, mental and emotional challenges opportunities for success in a safe Scouting environment that builds character, encourages citizenship, teaches life skills and develops personal fitness.
For a minimum donation of $5, the scouts will pick-up Christmas trees on the weekend of January 4 and 5. Trees must be at curbside by the morning of Saturday, January 4. To make a pick-up request, send your donation to Troop 121, United Methodist Church, 439 Park Ave, Auburn, ME 04210.
For more information, call 783-0790 or see