French-language Holiday Sing-Alongs December 8, 12

Les Troubadours are (l. to r., from front) Gail Lawrence, Aliette Couturier, Jeannette Gregoire, Doris Bonneau, Madeleine LeBlanc, Jacynthe Jacques, and Rita Gosselin.
Community members will have two opportunities to sing the French “Chansons de Noël” and other songs of the season with Les Troubadours in December. The first French Sing-Along will be on Friday, December 8 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 170 at USM’s Lewiston-Auburn College. The second will be on Tuesday, December 12 at 2:30 p.m. at the D’Youville Pavillion chapel. Both events are free and open to the public. Songbooks will be provided so those who don’t know the songs or are less than fluent in French can follow along. The sing-alongs are sponsored by the Franco-American Collection at USM’s Lewiston-Auburn College, located at 51 Westminster Street in Lewiston. D’Youville Pavillion is at 102 Campus Avenue in Lewiston. For more information, call 576-4109.