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Maine Iris Society Hosts 42nd Annual Flower Show

AUBURN, ME (May 20, 2022) — The Maine Iris Society will host its 42nd Annual Median Iris & Spring Flower Show at the Auburn Middle School on Saturday, June 4th from 1:30 – 4:00 pm. Admission is FREE and open to the public.

Iris enthusiasts, gardeners and volunteers from Maine and New Hampshire will arrive early that morning to prepare irises and other spring flowers for display. They are judged later in the morning by accredited American Iris Society Judges. Judging is done in accordance with the rules and standards of the American Iris Society. Flower arrangements with irises as well as spring flowers will be judged by National Garden Club accredited judges.

Awards given for the flowers include Best Specimen of Show (the Queen of Show), Best Spring Flower, Best Design of Show, and section winners. Visitors to the show will also have a chance to vote for their favorite Iris and spring flower. These people’s choice winners will be announced after 3:00 pm.

A feature of the show that is popular with many visitors is the sale of various potted plants. Bare-root Iris rhizomes from early blooming bearded medians will also be on sale again this year for $1.00 each.

The Maine Iris Society was founded on June 18, 1960 on the occasion of its first Annual Iris Show at Fairview School in Auburn.

The Society exists to develop the science of horticulture, specifically through the propagation and culture of the genus, Iris, and to stimulate and foster interest in irises through education of the public and our members.

Iris shows like this one are sponsored by the Society once each year. Other activities include meetings, garden visits, photo contests, and plant sales and auctions, with guest speakers from the area and around the country speaking at many of our meetings.

Officers of the Maine Iris Society are president Pauline Grenier of Minot, Vice President Harriet Robinson of Otisfield, secretary Peter Young of Buckfield, treasurer and membership chairpersons, Ted White and Edith Ellis of Turner.

Membership information will be available at the show. 

Bring the whole family and enjoy the afternoon with us!

Below: Pauline Grenier, resident of Minot, ME and President of the Maine Iris Society, looks over a potential entry for the flower show.

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89 Union Street, Suite 1014
Auburn, ME 04210
(207) 795-5017