St. Louis Church slated for demolition

St. Louis Roman Catholic Church of New Auburn has been slated for demolition due to unsafe structural conditions. To the left of the church is the former convent for the Franciscan Sisters who formerly taught at St. Louis School. The white building behind the church is the former rectory for the parish’s priests. (Photo by Rachel Morin.)
Parishioners of St. Louis Roman Catholic Church, on the corner of Dunn and Third Streets in New Auburn, learned the sad news this weekend that their church will be demolished due to unsafe structural conditions. While sad, the news was not entirely unexpected; the congregation, which has been attending services at Sacred Heart Church in Auburn while their home church was being evaluated, had already been informed that the cost of required repairs would likely be exorbitant.
A meeting to discuss the situation was held in the downstairs hall following the weekend liturgy. The hall was filled to capacity. There will be more meetings in the future as plans are made for the church’s demise.