Concerts for a Cause presents Women in Harmony

The group promotes social justice through songs that convey the importance of connection and community.
The Concerts for a Cause series at Auburn’s First Universalist Church will present Women in Harmony on Friday, November 3 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 (cash or credit) at the door and the church is located at 169 Pleasant Street (across from Dairy Joy) in Auburn.
Singing for social justice for over 25 years, Women in Harmony occupies a unique niche among singing groups in Northern New England. Comprised of a diverse group of women – gay and straight, musically sophisticated and untrained – they sing for unity among women, advocating social, political, and economic equality for all. Their music is culturally and stylistically varied, daring, and full of life. The sing songs that convey the importance of connection and community, which the group serves by providing learning opportunities for women of diverse musical backgrounds, partnering with local organizations, and promoting the work of women composers and musicians.
The program will include Holly Near’s “Fired Up,” the Righteous Mothers’ “Common Woman,” the Wailin’ Jennys’ “Arlington” and “One Voice,” “Bound for Freedom,” and Emma’s Revolution’s “Swimming to the Other Side.”
Produced by local musician and church choir director Dave Rowe and a dedicated group of church members, Concerts for a Cause brings concerts to the community while raising money for area charities. This show will benefit the church and Trinity Jubilee Center. For more information, call 783-0461 or visit