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CLT’s Nunsense opens March 7

AUBURN, ME — Community Little Theater announces the second show of its 85 season, the musical “Nunsense”. “Nunsense” is a hilarious farce about a group of five nuns trying to raise money under some rather unfortunate circumstances. “Nunsense” is directed by Jackie McDonald and Assistant Director Sean Wallace, with music direction by Alex Castonguay and choreography by Danielle Eaton.

“Nunsense” is a zany musical about the Little Sisters of Hoboken, a group of nuns who find themselves in a rather unfortunate situation. When the majority of their convent dies of botulism, leaving only five of them alive, they are suddenly in need of funds to bury their deceased sisters. The money runs out with four sisters left in the freezer! In need of quick cash, they decide to put on a talent show to raise the needed money. The talent show is to take place in a high school gymnasium. The gym is also being used by the students as they prepare to stage the musical “Grease”. As the sisters prepare for their talent show, the audience is treated to some lively music, fun dancing and some wacky comedy. There is even some audience participation thrown in!

Director Jackie McDonald said she chose “Nunsense” because it’s a CLT fan favorite and, as such, has always been well received. It’s a fun, lighthearted show and we all could use some lighthearted fun right now! The large Catholic Community in the area will understand and appreciate the familiarity of the various references in the story, along with the not so subtle Catholic humor . McDonald stated that her own Catholic background, including family members who are nuns, made the show even more meaningful to her. She stated that nuns represent “the women of her childhood”.

The amazingly talented group of actors represent both familiar CLT faces as well as some newcomers to the theater world. They have been rehearsing since early December and their dedication shows. It’s a challenging time of year to do a show and the cast has had to overcome some obstacles such as snow storms and the usual winter illnesses. They have pulled together amazingly, despite the hurdles, and the audience can expect to be amazed!

The cast of Nunsense includes Michael Litchfield as Sister Mary Regina, the feisty Mother Superior, Kay Warren as the mistress of the novices Sister Mary Hubert, Nicole Frydrych as the tough, street-wise Sister Robert Ann, Jen Rennie as the spacey and entertaining Sister Mary amnesia, and Casey Waters as the ambitious, ballet-dancing Sister Mary Leo.

CLT will present “Nunsense” March 7th, 8th, 13th, 14th and 15th at 7:30 p.m, and March 9th and 16th at 2:00 p.m. Call 783-0958 or visit for tickets and information.

L/A Community Little Theatre, located at 30 Academy Street in Auburn, has been producing live theatre since 1940. A volunteer, non-profit organization, our goal is to provide affordable and quality entertainment in the performing arts as well as education, training, and experience in theatre for area youth.

The cast of Nunsense Back row – left to right – Kay Warren as Sr. Mary Hubert, Michael James Litchfield as Sr. Mary Regina, Mother Superior, Nicole Frydrych as Sr. Robert Ann

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Auburn, ME 04210
(207) 795-5017