Lewiston Student Honored as a Student Of The Year by MCCS
AUGUSTA, ME (April 26, 2023) — Seven Maine community college students were honored for their academic success and campus and community involvement at a luncheon ceremony on Wednesday, April 26, at Maple Hill Farm in Hallowell. The event was hosted by the Maine Community College System (MCCS) Board of Trustees.
The students being recognized are:
Jessica Clark, of East Waterboro, Southern Maine Community College;
Asma Hassan, of Lewiston, Central Maine Community College;
Aquiles Antonio Lopez, of Millinocket, Eastern Maine Community College;
Owen Martin, of Caribou, Northern Maine Community College;
Aubrey Slater, of Waterville, Kennebec Valley Community College;
Amy Stanek, of Sanford, York County Community College; and
Brandon Vinal, of Appleton, Washington County Community College.
The seven students honored on Wednesday were selected by faculty and staff at the colleges.
In addition to being recognized as Students of the Year, they will each receive a John and Jana Lapoint Leadership Award in the amount of $1,000.
Mr. Lapoint was president of UF Strainrite in Lewiston and a trustee of the Maine Community College System. After his death in 1995, his widow, Jana Lapoint, served on the Board from 1995 to 2006 and helped establish the fund for the annual awards.