“Haiku, Hip Hop and Hotdogs” at The Public Theatre
Well-known children’s poems will spring to life when the Crabgrass Puppet Theatre brings their delightful new show, “Haiku, Hip Hop and Hotdogs” to The Public Theatre on Sunday, May 19 at 2 p.m.
Perfect for families with children in pre-K through fifth grade, this show provides an exciting introduction to the magic of poetry and theatre. In Crabgrass’s exciting new production, the world, action, and emotion of poems by Jack Prelutsky, David McCord, Calef Brown, and Beatrice Schenk de Regniers spring vividly to life as young audiences thrill to the adventures of Fearless Flying Hotdogs, a dancing Funky Snowman, and a Goblin who must overcomes his fear to make friends with the terrifying boy on top of his bed.
Bates Folk Fest rescheduled for this weekend

Alba’s Edge: (l. to r.) bassist Doug Berns, pianist Neil Pearlman, fiddler Lilly Pearlman, and percussionist Jacob Cole.
Postponed because of a February snowstorm, the third annual Bates College Folk Music Festival will takes place this weekend at campus locations to be announced. Featuring three days of contradancing, workshops and performances, the festival is open to the public.
Prose Gallery opens Friday in unique style

One of Paul Lewandoski’s unique fashion designs is modeled by Lewiston resident Gabrielle Russell at a recent IIDA New England Chapter fashion show.
The grand opening of a new Lewiston art gallery this Friday night will feature an array of unique fashion designs courtesy of Portland-based architect Paul Lewandowski.
Prose Gallery, at 223 Lisbon Street, will feature the works of Lewandowski on both mannequins and live models in an exhibit starting Friday, April 26 from 5 to 8 p.m. There is no charge to attend.
Lewandowski has turned down an opportunity to appear on Project Runway and was featured in the August 2012 issue of Marie Claire magazine – pretty heady praise for a Lewiston native who uses everyday household interior design and architectural items in his clothing lines. He has been making a splash for several years participating in the IIDA New England Chapter fashion show, but this will be his first time displaying his fashions in Lewiston.
Former Yankees pitcher to sing at La Rencontre

Auburn resident and baritone Larry Gowell, who once pitched for the New York Yankees, will perform at the Franco Center’s next “La Rencontre” French-language luncheon on Friday, May 3.
The Franco-American Heritage Center will host its next “La Rencontre” French language luncheon on Friday, May 3 at 11:30 a.m. The meal will feature of a choice of lobster roll or chicken salad roll, along with macaroni salad, chips, pickles and a cookie for dessert.
Following the meal, Auburn resident and baritone Larry Gowell will perform for patrons in the Franco Center’s Performance Hall. He will be accompanied on at least one song by chanteuse Joëlle Morris, a native of France who currently resides in Winthrop and, like Gowell, has become a favorite of Franco Center audiences.
Gowell will be trailed by a camera crew from “Bill Green’s Maine,” a program that airs weekly on WCSH-TV. The program’s producers are capturing footage to tell the story of Gowell’s life and unique place in baseball history.
Philippe presents “Forever Frank” at Franco Center

Louis Philippe and a few of his young protégés present a program of Frank Sinatra’s music at the Franco-American Heritage Center April 13.
The classic music of Frank Sinatra will be featured in a show presented by Louis Philippe and a few of his young protégés on Saturday, April 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the Franco-American Heritage Center in Lewiston.
Louis Philippe performs a couple of times a year at the Franco Center, where he is beloved by the local Franco population. His late grandfather, Louis Philippe Gagne, hailed from Lewiston and was posthumously nominated to the Franco-American Hall of Fame, to which he will be inducted in a ceremony at the Statehouse in Augusta on May 14.
Art Walk seeks artists
L/A Arts is now accepting submissions for Art Walk Lewiston Auburn 2013. The deadline to submit work for the first event on May 31 is May 10. If you or someone you know would be a good candidate to showcase art work at Art Walk Lewiston Auburn, submit that work at
If you would like to reserve gallery space for the June, July, August or September Art Walk events, email In the subject line, list your full name and the month you wish to exhibit (i.e. John Doe July Art Walk). In the body of your email, include your phone number, estimated number of work to be presented, and two sample jpeg images of your work.
“Food for Thought” spotlights General Grant

Charles Plummer, in the guise of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, will speak at L-A Senior College’s next “Food For Thought” luncheon on April 12. (Photo by Rachel Morin)
Civil War historian Charles Plummer, widely-known for his living history presentations, will be the featured speaker at Lewiston-Auburn Senior College’s next “Food for Thought” luncheon on Friday, April 12 at 11:30 a.m.
In the guise of Civil War General Ulysses S. Grant, Plummer will relate highlights of the life and experiences of this famous and colorful Union general, culminating with the defeat of General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia on April 9, 1865, which effectively ended the Civil War.
Hall Gallery displays Shetterly portraits

This portrait of Russell Libby and seven others from the series “Americans Who Tell the Truth” by Robert Shetterly is on display at LAC’s Hall Gallery through March 23. An organic farmer, Libby was the executive director of Maine Organic Farmers and Growers Association (MOFGA) and a tireless campaigner for pollution-free local food economies.
Ten portraits by artist Robert Shetterly are on display in the Hall Gallery at USM’s Lewiston-Auburn College until March 23. The paintings are from Shetterly’s series, “Americans Who Tell the Truth,” which he describes as a showcase for “models of courageous citizenship.” Shetterly will discuss the portrait series on Thursday, March 14 at 1:30 p.m. in a presentation that is free and open to the public.
Fashion show explores African apparel

At the 2012 Inside Africa Fashion Show at Bates College, sophomore Nerissa Brobbey models a Togolese boubou dress with matching head scarf and Gulaid Abdullahi wears a traditional ma’awis and kofia hat. (Photograph by Simone Schriger.)
The second annual Inside Africa Fashion Show will take place on Friday, March 15 at 8 p.m. in the concert hall at Olin Arts Center at 75 Russell Street in Lewiston. Sponsored by the Bates College’s Africana Club, the show will reflect the diversity of the continent’s apparel and the influence of African fashion abroad. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact