Prose Gallery opens Friday in unique style

One of Paul Lewandoski’s unique fashion designs is modeled by Lewiston resident Gabrielle Russell at a recent IIDA New England Chapter fashion show.
The grand opening of a new Lewiston art gallery this Friday night will feature an array of unique fashion designs courtesy of Portland-based architect Paul Lewandowski.
Prose Gallery, at 223 Lisbon Street, will feature the works of Lewandowski on both mannequins and live models in an exhibit starting Friday, April 26 from 5 to 8 p.m. There is no charge to attend.
Lewandowski has turned down an opportunity to appear on Project Runway and was featured in the August 2012 issue of Marie Claire magazine – pretty heady praise for a Lewiston native who uses everyday household interior design and architectural items in his clothing lines. He has been making a splash for several years participating in the IIDA New England Chapter fashion show, but this will be his first time displaying his fashions in Lewiston.
Lewandowski uses such items as fiberglass window screening, technical chair mesh, wool upholstery cloth, vinyl bathroom mats and rubber wall base in his clothing designs. The projects he’s helped to design for his day job at SMRT include the new entry and operating room wing at St. Mary’s Hospital.
Along with Lewandowski’s designs, a photo essay on body image and a collection of canvas nature photography from local photographer Daniel J. Marquis will be presented as part of the current exhibit, which will run through May 21.
“We are excited, not only about presenting Paul’s designs, but about bringing a new kind of gallery to downtown Lewiston,” said Molly McGill, one of Prose Gallery’s curators. “There is a palpable sense of excitement, energy and life in downtown Lewiston that hasn’t been here in decades and we’re so proud to be part of it.”
For more information, call 740-8800 or visit Prose Gallery’s Facebook page.