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Enough is Enough: Who really doesn’t pay their fair share?

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

I don’t know about you, but I am getting sick of listening to pandering politicians, utterly devoid of ideas and solutions, blaming the rich and George W. Bush for all the ills in the world. Their continued mantra—“The rich don’t pay their fair share”—has gone from annoying to nauseating.

They publically define the rich as those who greedily make money by paying their employees slave wages, providing few benefits and outsourcing jobs overseas, thus employing foreign labor and eliminating another American job.

In reality, if you’re employed in a full-time job and pay taxes, you’re included in the “You don’t pay your fair share” category.

One of my strengths as mayor is that I am fortunate enough to be retired. The limited responsibilities of the Mayor’s Office—ribbon cutting, running a City Council meeting and casting the deciding vote should the council be deadlocked—allows me the freedom to roam the city and speak with the young, middle-aged and senior citizens; the working, the non-working and the retired; established Lewiston residents, new American citizens and refugees; as well as those interested only in what support they can extract from our city coffers. I also speak with business people and our city employees.

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Enough is Enough: Who’s responsible for student behavior: parent or teacher?

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

WHAP! THUMP! SMACK!  Today those are the sounds of violence. Yet 50 years ago they were the sounds of learning, the sounds of accountability, the sounds of teaching, the sounds heard in classrooms.

With the exception of one’s pride, no collateral damage occurred. You were there to learn, and learn you did. There was no time for fooling around: lessons had to be taught and learned.

To insure discipline, respect and an academic classroom environment, creative motivations were developed. Disruption in the classroom brought on punishments ranging from detention after school to writing a sentence many times on the blackboard.

From the application of the rattan (a switch) several times to the back of one’s hand, to pushups and—my personal favorite—putting on boxing gloves and going a round with a teacher who could have been a contender.

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Enough is Enough: Freedom Trail belongs to everyone, not just liberals

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

Enough is enough. It is time for those of us who are right of the political center to rise up and counter the socialist philosophies of those on the left. Not on the streets. Not in the back alleys. But at the ballot box in November.

It is time we set a corrective course that brings our government back to our founding principles. We are engaged in a philosophical fight for the soul of our country. There is no doubt that both sides love this country, but disagree on the direction to proceed.

Last week I discussed The Politically Correct Police a.k.a. the liberal wing of the Maine Democratic Party. Their efforts to exclude words that they classify as hateful from our vocabulary have now been dwarfed by a Democratic dictator currently holding the office of Mayor of Boston, Thomas M. Menino.

Dan Cathy is the president of Chick-Fil-A, a national restaurant chain of 1,600 eateries throughout the United States. But Cady is also an outspoken, unabashed Christian activist. His company, Chick-Fil-A, is run on biblical-based principles, among them closing on Sundays. All are welcome in his restaurants regardless of race, creed, beliefs, gender or sexual orientation. After all, a customer is a customer.

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Enough is Enough: Political Correctness Police pummel LePage again

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

Shakespeare expressed it best: “Much Ado About Nothing.” Nothing, that is, unless you’re in the print or TV news business. Nothing, that is, unless you’re a “can’t-say-no liberal democratic legislator.”

Nothing, that is, unless you’re a gutless Republican afraid to speak up in support of the man on whose coattails swept you into office.

The molehill made into a week-long mountain was Governor Paul LePage’s use of the word “Gestapo” to describe the new added duties of Internal Revenue agents under the Affordable Care Act, known as “Obamacare.” The IRS is now charged with making sure that everyone will have health insurance.

The Governor’s alleged insensitivity provided Maine voters with an Academy Award-winning performance of purported indignation by Democratic Senator Justin Alfond. Not to be outdone, Representative Emily Cain also chimed in.

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Snowe-Mello defends reforms that promote tax fairness

By Sen. Lois Snowe-Mello


In a recent Letter to the Editor, Senator Margaret Craven (D-Lewiston) took issue with my column, entitled “Legislature adjourns after enacting historic reforms.” Specifically, she questions the tax, health care, regulatory and welfare reforms that are already benefiting Mainers.

These reforms were adopted to restore balance to state government and promote jobs and opportunity for Maine people.

Unfortunately, Senator Craven criticizes a law that she voted for and uses it to argue against my column. Furthermore, in her haste to disagree with me, it appears that she doesn’t fully appreciate what she voted for. It is tough to argue with such logic without appearing impolite, but here goes.

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Enough is Enough: Political leaders are the culprits in the welfare mess

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

Not since Attila and his hordes of Huns thundered west from Eastern Europe has the world experienced what is now taking place in Lewiston. Daily, legions of maxed out former TANF clients are descending on our General Assistance Department.

Last Monday morning while riding toward Lewiston City Hall, I noticed two distinct groups forming lines at both the Park Street and the Pine Street entrances to City Hall.

The shorter line on Park Street was made up of what appeared to be “New Mainers.” (To those who follow this column weekly, I have purposely not used the word “refugee” so as not to offend those who find the word “hurtful” and wish to purge it from the English language).

The other group at the entrance on Pine Street consisted of native-born vagabonds. It was easily twice the size of the group waiting on Park Street. They were tanned, unkempt and covered with tattoos and body piercings, which collectively probably equaled the average yearly pay of most Lewiston workers.

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Enough is Enough: “We hold these truths to be self-evident”

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

This week we celebrate the birth of our great country. A country blessed and guided by Divine Providence, who provides our people, people bearing the designation of American, unbridled freedom to pursue one’s dreams.

Unlike many countries, status and rank does not guarantee success. Instead Providence experimented and created a nation where a dream, hard work and desire enabled her citizens the ability to ascend the social ladder from dire poverty, upward to success and the heights of distinction, importance, fame and wealth.

Providence further blessed our land with boundless beauty from sea to shining sea. Beautiful coastlines where waves crashing ashore symbolize not only our strength, but a calming way of life. Golden prairies that appear limitless as they extend to the horizon, symbolizing the unlimited opportunities offered by our land.

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Enough is Enough: You are Lewiston, Lewiston is you

By Robert Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

While you may have a hard time connecting with me at City Hall, you will find me in local coffee shop hangouts. Although I have little real power, the status of the mayor’s office provides me the power of the “Bully Pulpit”.

This enables me to articulate in this paper, as well as the written and broadcast media, your concerns. Concerns relayed to me in public, by the public. Concerns I would not be aware of if I were shut up in my office at City Hall.

Many of you come up to me and compliment me on the “good job” I’m doing. While I appreciate the compliments, without Lewiston’s exceptional city council, unparalleled administration, devoted city employees, local investors who believe in Lewiston and your public support, I am no more than the emperor standing before you—without clothes.

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Enough is Enough: Welfare reform and academic-type social engineers

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

I was pleasingly surprised by the public response I received on my June 7 column in Twin City TIMES, “LHS graduation marred by teens’ rude behavior”. The buzz it created made me feel like a rock star.

It also brought criticism from Will Fessenden of Sabattus, a former contributor to Lewiston’s local Sunday paper, and Dan Billings, Governor Paul LePage’s legal counsel. I seldom respond to criticism of my column, but in this case I’m going to adhere to the old adage: never look a gift horse in the mouth.

It appears that when it comes to words beginning with “A”, Billings and the administration become confused. You see, I like and believe in Governor LePage, thus making me an “ally”, not an “adversary”.

Lewiston and Auburn are members of the Maine Mayors Coalition, which is made up of 10 cities. In addition to Lewiston-Auburn, there is Augusta, Bangor, Biddeford, Portland, Saco, South Portland, Waterville and Westbrook. Our purpose is to band together and attempt to insure that legislation, which helpful to our needs as service-center cities, is passed.

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Op/Ed: Legislature Adjourns after Enacting Historic Reforms

By Sen. Lois Snowe-Mello

The 125th Legislature has concluded its legislative business. The Senate will reconvene briefly in September to consider gubernatorial nominations, but I am pleased to report that we have accomplished a lot on your behalf in a short period of time.

I can’t begin to tell you what an honor it is to represent you in the Maine Senate and to have contributed to one of the most transformative legislatures in recent memory. I am grateful for the trust you have placed in me to work for the citizens of District 15, our region and the State of Maine.

When this Legislature first convened in January 2011, few believed that we could accomplish much beyond addressing a budget shortfall that was close to $1 billion. Even fewer thought that we could do so in a predominantly bipartisan way.

We conducted our work in extraordinarily difficult times, with a “can do” approach, knowing that people and families are struggling. We have sought to move Maine forward, do more with limited resources, and protect our most vulnerable citizens.

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