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Enough is Enough: Lewiston has a simple choice in this election

By Robert E Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

The upcoming election is very important to taxpaying Lewistonians and, as Mayor of Lewiston, to me personally. Property taxpayers will decide whether we build our tax base by attracting residents and businesses or whether we will continue to shrink our tax base by allowing our community to be overrun by non-profit advocacy groups.

The choice is simple: increase jobs or increase the welfare rolls.

In my role as mayor, I have had to take on a new role that is somewhat different than Bob Macdonald the citizen. I have had to put political ideology aside and decide what course benefits Lewiston and its citizens. Thank God for a city council that feels the same way.

In the local legislative races, Lewiston has a unique opportunity to finally have representation in Augusta that will not have to consult local city councilors or officials to learn about our city’s needs. The election of Republican Mike Marcotte and Democrat Nathan Libby will give us a voice in both political caucuses. It has the potential of making the Twin Cities a player, not merely hand raisers for interests in Portland and points south.

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Enough is Enough: On November 6, will you choose fantasy or reality?

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

Last Saturday many from our area displayed, by their unselfish actions, the true definition of community. Hundreds showed up at Lewiston’s Green Ladle Restaurant to support little Noah Blakey and his family in his courageous battle against cancer. Noah, you’re in our thoughts and prayers.

With 13 days to go before the upcoming election, you—the voting property taxpayers—have a decision to make. Do you want to continue the steady growth of privately owned businesses that create jobs and a tax base? Or should we continue to turn Lewiston into the largest soup kitchen and homeless shelter in the state?

The choice is yours on November 6.

I saw a sign posted in a field along Sabattus Street that stated Democrats are for jobs and education. The sign carries a great message until you ask yourself, “Who’s not for jobs and education?”The answer is no one.

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Enough is Enough: Lewiston needs legislators who represent tax payers

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

To the chagrin of a small number of progressives—I’m back.

I want to thank everyone for your overwhelming support. I have no intention of resigning. As a result of this dust-up, I will definitely be seeking a second term.

While the press from across the state and country searched for me in an attempt to get a “gotcha” statement and while some angry residents decided to take time from work to picket City Hall, various staff members and myself were in Augusta engaged in productive meetings.

We met with the commissioner of the Dept. of Health and Human Services, the commissioner of the Dept. of Economic and Community Development and a committee set up to strengthen the state’s welfare laws, which has been assigned the task of cutting $500,000 from the DHHS budget. I am happy to report things appear to be going in a positive direction.

On the home front, many of you have expressed offense and anger over Lewiston City Councilor Craig Saddlemire’s letter and public statement encouraging me to apologize. Please, folks, chill out. If Councilor Saddlemire had not taken this action, then I would have been disappointed in him.

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“Aurore: My Franco-American Mother” recalls L-A of long ago

By Rachel Morin

TCT columnist

The announcement called to me from the pages of the Twin City TIMES: Local author Marguerite Roy was going to discuss her book, “Aurore: My Franco-American Mother”, at USM’s Lewiston-Auburn College. How could I not answer the call?

Me, with a name like Morin, marrying into a large Franco family and before that with a maiden name of Gilbert, with my father and his equally large Franco family—I had to go.

And so, there I was at Lewiston-Auburn College, at the end of August, arriving early, eager to meet Marguerite and her family. It turns out I knew two of her sisters, Madeleine Pare Roy and Louise Pare, from our membership at L/A Senior College!

I knew Marguerite would have a good attendance, and I was right. Behind me, streaming in, were groups of white-haired women, some with husbands following, Marguerite’s siblings and extended family members, her friends, classmates, neighbors and other interested people, some coming from beyond the Twin Cities.

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Enough is Enough: Bates, YPLAA will help Lewiston forge ahead and prosper

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

Fall has arrived. Comfortable days, cool sleeping nights. Over the next few weeks, leaf-peeping tourists will flock to our state to view and enjoy the beauty of our endless rolling foliage.

It’s a time for football. It’s a time for renewing childcare. It’s a time for the return of bright young men and women to Bates College.

Bates College and the former Bates Mill have for years put Lewiston on the map. Bates Mill, which produced a legendary bedspread, was renown throughout the world, and Bates College is renown throughout the country for its excellence in education.

The college was founded by the Rev. Owen Cheney, a Free Will Baptist minister and abolitionist in 1855. At its founding, it was known as the Maine State Seminary. In 1862 a “collegiate department” was added to the school. Two years later the school was re-charted and renamed Bates College after its primary benefactor, industrialist Benjamin E. Bates.

With a population of approximately 2,000 students, Bates ranks 21st on the list of best liberal arts colleges in the nation. It also is the oldest continually operating coed college in New England.

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Enough is Enough: Quietly seeking solutions to Lewiston’s problems

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

Too many hands ruin the soup. When moving a city forward, two opportunities stand before you. The first is creating a city that prospers, where jobs are abundant and unemployment is at or near zero.

The second is to rely on “community leaders”, void of imagination, who beg the government for more federal programs. Ride around Lewiston and look upon the results of that strategy.

Last week I wrote a column calling for the end of division in our community and asking that we unite and move Lewiston forward.

Last week’s edition of the TCT had no sooner hit the streets when our former mayor, Laurent F. Gilbert Sr., pronounced my column divisive. Mobilizing, he went downtown looking to create community division, seeking allies to support his claim.

Let’s be frank: the former mayor hates me, and after this stunt I can assure you that the feeling is mutual. The only difference is that I would never use my hatred against him if I thought it would bring a negative reaction to Lewiston and its citizens.

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Enough is Enough: Extremist liberals widen the divide with Somalis

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

I don’t know about you, but the occasional news stories about the poor treatment of Lewiston’s Somali population are becoming annoying.

I’m sick of hearing the Somalis don’t feel welcome here. I’m sick of hearing Lewistonians must understand their culture and make exceptions towards them if their actions clash with American customs and laws. I’m sick of hearing about their lack of employment. I’m sick of hearing about phantom victimization.

But what frosts me the most is these complaints are coming almost exclusively from boo-hoo white do-gooders and their carpetbagger friends.

Since becoming mayor, I have met with groups of Somalis on several occasions. I have found the overwhelming majority to be kind and very hospitable. The majority express their appreciation for having been afforded the chance to live in a place that is safe and offers unlimited opportunities in which to better themselves.

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Enough is Enough: Emphasize Lewiston’s positive qualities to outsiders

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

I am appalled that I feel compelled to write this week’s column on civic pride. Lewiston is a city on the move. But many residents, especially those in their 20s and 30s, have come to expect instant gratification.

Creating a desirable city is not like popping a piece of dark chocolate into your mouth. It takes hours, days, weeks and years to design and implement a city that is not only livable, but also a destination.

It’s time for area residents that have a stake in our community to become ambassadors and start talking up what a great place Lewiston is becoming. We are being given an opportunity to productively grow. The costs of homes and a renaissance of quality apartments in our downtown area have made us a desirable destination.

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Enough is Enough: Fair share, EBT cards and gourmet whoopie pies

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

Oh, the horror! Is the prediction by the Mayan Calendar about to be fulfilled? Is Hades about to be unleashed? Will liberal politicians be forced to advocate for the taxpaying voters to the chagrin of advocacy and special interest groups?

Boo-hoos and wailing are about to be heard from York to Caribou. Why? Governor Paul LePage may call our state legislature into special session.

What diabolical scheme is he about to unleash that will make the liberal Democrats (as opposed to right-thinking Democrats) become angry?

Hmm, let’s think.

How about “The Pay Your Fair Share Tax Bill.” This bill would afford those who constantly complain that income taxes are too low the ability to be taxed at a higher rate than currently prescribed. Three boxes could be added to the tax form, allowing the taxpayer the choice of choosing to pay one, two or three percent over the required rate set by the state.

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Enough is Enough: Lewistonians, come out and enjoy your parks

By Robert E. Macdonald

Mayor of Lewiston

Early morning. The rays of the sun break over the horizon. Quiet and tranquility dance through the air. Morning dew covers the grass. Chirping birds, squirrels and chipmunks forage for their breakfast. A soothing peace envelopes Kennedy Park.

Then, out of nowhere, the din of morning strikes. Public Work employees reinforced by workfare clients descend on Kennedy Park. Their mission: clean up the trash before the working people descend on the downtown.

The Herculean task created by an abundance of local layabouts, improperly discarding an excessive amount of waste, is methodically addressed. Monday through Friday, the task is successfully completed because of the dedication and pride of these workers.

Former mayor Larry Gilbert attempted to address this annoyance by placing trash cans in the park. While this failed to reduce the problem in Kennedy Park, it has proven very effective in other Lewiston Public Parks throughout the city. It further allows the city to pinpoint the problem areas and address them.

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