“Arsenic and Old Lace” set takes form

Phil Vampatella (l.) and Bill Hamilton put the finishing touches on the Victorian staircase of the Brewster home for CLT’s upcoming production of “Arsenic and Old Lace.” The show opens its two-weekend run on Friday, October 4.
Community Little Theatre’s Bill Hamilton and Phil Vampatella have lost count of how many sets they have designed and constructed, both together and with others, over many seasons of service with CLT.
They may not know how many, but their experience shows. The set of the company’s current production, Joseph Kesselring’s classic comedy, “Arsenic and Old Lace,” is turning into the latest masterpiece by this fearless team of volunteer carpenters and their co-creators, Carol Hodgkin and Glynnis Nadel, who are adding the artistic décor to Director Adam P. Blais’ design.
The production will open on Friday, October 4 at 7:30 p.m. for its two-week run at Great Falls Performing Arts Center in Auburn. Tickets are $18; $15 for seniors ages 60+; $12 for children ages 12-. They may be purchased at the Box Office, by calling 783-0958, or at LACLT.com.