LPL program demonstrates reading solutions for visually impaired

These handheld magnifiers are among the low- and high-tech devices designed to help you keep reading that vision professionals will demonstrate at Lewiston Public Library on Thursday, June 5.
Reading exercises our brains, improves our concentration, teaches us, entertains us and relaxes us. Most importantly, perhaps, reading is a key to independence. Being able to read food labels, medication labels, bills, and newspapers are all daily tasks that require reading. So how can we continue with this vital activity when we develop vision problems?
The Iris Network and the Maine Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired (DBVI) will team up with Lewiston Public Library to provide some of the answers on Thursday, June 5. From 10 a.m. to noon and again from 2 to 4 p.m., vision professionals will be on hand in the Library’s Callahan Hall to discuss and demonstrate a wide range of options, from no-tech to hi-tech, designed to help those with vision problems continue reading.
Launched in April of 2013, this “Reading for ALL” program is intended to get the word out that options exist to help people of all ages with a wide range of vision loss either continue or resume reading print materials. So put aside any fear you might have with respect to your vision and bring your curiosity and questions with you to this free event. For more information, call the Library reference desk at 513-3135.