UU Theater stages “Be the Change”

Ron Spoffard (c.) as the poet Rumi shares inspiration with (l. to r.) Judy Webber, Maureen Perry, Bill Eldridge, Kellie Pelletier, Prince T Dickson and John Spruill in “Be the Change.”
UU Theater will present “Be the Change” on Saturday, December 5 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, December 6 at 1 p.m. Set at an imaginary dinner party, the play uses wit and humor to explore the moral struggles of our age as a frustrated activist dreams up her heroes – including Maya Angelou, Buckminster Fuller, Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr., Marge Piercy, Rumi, Rev. Howard Thurman and Thich Nhat Hanh – to advise her in how to brave the everyday frustrations we all face.
The show’s cast includes Douglas Ball, Prince T Dickson, Bill Eldridge, Kellie Pelletier, Maureen Perry, Ron Spoffard, John Spruill and Judy Webber. Co-directors Toby Haber-Giasson and Karen Lane also appear in the show. In keeping with the show’s theme, local non-profits will present opportunities to “be the change” in our community, both before and after the performances.
The home of UU Theater is First Universalist Church of Auburn, located at 169 Pleasant Street. Enter on Spring Street across from Dairy Joy. The building is wheelchair accessible and ample free parking is available. For more information, call 783-0461 or see www.auburnuu.org.