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This week’s edition!

LETTER: No problems exist between Fuel and mosque

To the Editor:

In a letter I wrote last week, I asked: “Why are the problems that exist between the Lisbon Street Mosque and the management and patrons of Fuel restaurant being swept under the rug?” (“YPLAA, residents need to wake up to downtown problems,” Letter to the Editor, page 3, TCT, Dec. 2, 2010)

I now realize that my temper overrode my common sense, resulting in a total misrepresentation of the relationship between the Mosque and Fuel restaurant.

Upon speaking with Mr. Eric Agren, the owner of Fuel restaurant, I can state without contradiction that an exceptionally strong congenial relationship exists between the Lisbon Street Mosque and Fuel restaurant.

I take full responsibility for my mischaracterization of the existing relationship and regret any negative actions that may have resulted.

I am truly sorry for any harm or tension my writing caused. I sincerely hope that the Imam and members of the Lisbon Street Mosque along with Mr. Agren will accept my apology and forgive me for my misspeak.

Robert Macdonald


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