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This week’s edition!

A season without
a live play

Guest Essay

From Public Theatre

LEWISTON – Although we think of ourselves as creative people, none of us were able to imagine what a season without producing a live play would look like.

 Instead of producing shows, we wrote grants, helped keep the Arts alive in schools by teaching free ZOOM theatre classes for students from Rangely to Scarborough, used our actors to create videos of children’s books to share with our libraries, and a year later, negotiated permission to show you the video we captured of I AND YOU after having to cancel the production.

 It’s been a year of dancing with uncertainty, learning new skills, and discovering unexpected blessings such as the outpouring of support from people like you who sustained our spirits and our organization during this challenging time.

 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We cannot say this enough.

 As we begin to make plans to reopen in the fall, we continue to rely on your support and commitment to The Public Theatre.  There is much to do as we make upgrades to our HVAC system and address the various protocols that will ensure the safety of our actors, volunteers, staff, and patrons. 

 As our fiscal year comes to an end, we ask you to please consider making a one-time or recurring donation of any size.

We are confident that as we emerge from isolation the theatre will play an important role in reminding us all how to connect, how to laugh, and how to celebrate our shared humanity.  

We look forward to announcing our plans for the new season and seeing you once again at the Theatre. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Christopher, Janet, Carol, Jennifer, Adam

The Public Theatre, 31 Maple St., Lewiston, ME

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