Stanton Bird Club to discuss Maine sturgeon species
LEWISTON, ME — Scientist, Gail Wippelhauser will be the featured speaker at the May 6th meeting of the Stanton Bird Club. Entitled “The Secret Life of Sturgeon”, her remarks will focus on the two species of sturgeon found in Maine. Atlantic and Shortnose Sturgeon are often called living fossils as they are among the oldest bony fish with fossils going back 65 million years.
After receiving a Masters and Ph.D. at the University of Maine, Wippelhauser taught for several years at the University and the College of the Atlantic. She worked for the Department of Marine Resources (DMR) from 1996 until her retirement in January 2022. During her tenure at DMR she represented the department during the relicensing of hydropower facilities; served on the Atlantic State Marine Fisheries Commission technical committees for American Eel, Striped Bass, and Atlantic Sturgeon; and conducted research on American Eel, Striped Bass, Alewife, Blueback Herring, Shortnose Sturgeon, and Atlantic Sturgeon.
The talk will be held on Monday, May 6th from 4-6pm at the Auburn Public Library. The public is welcome. This lecture is free of charge. The Stanton Bird Club, a leader in environmental awareness, owns and manages the Thorncrag Nature Sanctuary in Lewiston as well as the Woodbury Nature Sanctuary in Monmouth and Litchfield.
More information about other activities of the Club can be found at and on its Facebook page.
Gail Wippelhauser with Shortnose Sturgeon – photograph provider by speaker