Auburn holds Backyard Campout

The City of Auburn is thrilled to join 24 communities across Maine in the first annual Maine Backyard Campout sponsored the by Maine Parks and Recreation Association on July 11. The month of July is National Parks and Recreation Month. What better way to celebrate “all things Maine” than a state-wide backyard campout?
The mission of this event is to encourage families to get outdoors and enjoy a camping experience, right in their own backyard. “We want everyone to enjoy the outdoors while also maintaining social distancing guidelines,” said Recreation Director Sabrina Best. “This is a fun way to enjoy quality family time, while being safe during these unpresented times.”
Participants who register with Auburn Recreation are eligible for prizes and can get ideas for campfire activities, cooking, safety tips and creating a camping space right outside their back door. Camping equipment is not needed to participate. Neither is a back yard, for that matter! Recreation staff will help participants find ways to make the experience fun without spending money on equipment or a camping site!
Participants are encouraged to share photos on social media using the hashtag #MaineBackYardCampout.
Auburn residents who want to participate should connect with Auburn Recreation. Free campout activity kits are available to the first 20 families to register. Contact Darcey Gardiner at Auburn Recreation or 333-6611 for details.