Donald Trump Jr., Gov. LePage visit Simones Hot Dogs

George Simones, Melissa Simones, Governor Paul R. LePage, Donald J. Trump, Jr., James Simones and Linda Simones. More photos and video at (TCT photo by Laurie A. Steele)
For decades, Simones Hot Dogs in Lewiston has been a hot spot for politicians to gather, and this week it was no different. Donald J. Trump, Jr. made it one of his campaign stops on Tuesday during his visit to Maine. After speaking to supporters at Howell’s Gun Shop in Gray and the GOP campaign headquarters in Auburn, Trump Jr. arrived at Simones. The restaurant was packed wall to wall with patrons eager to meet him and offer their support for the presidential candidacy of his father, Donald J. Trump. Trump Jr. was greeted by Governor Paul R. LePage and welcomed by an uproar of cheers from supporters. Someone promptly thrust one of Simones’ “famous” red hot dogs into his hands. As Trump Jr. took a generous-sized bite of the hot dog, the room exploded in chants of “Trump, Trump, Trump!” Making his way through the crowded room, patrons approached him, offering well-wishes and requesting “selfies”, which he graciously took time for. Pictured at the event is George Simones, Melissa Simones, Governor Paul R. LePage, Donald J. Trump, Jr., James Simones and Linda Simones. More photos and video at (TCT photo by Laurie A. Steele)