Enough is Enough: Influx of out-of-state liberal ideas threatens Lewiston
By Robert E. Macdonald
Mayor of Lewiston
Over the past five-plus years, I have repeatedly warned readers of one of the biggest threats facing Maine and now Lewiston. It is the steady influx of out-of-state staunch liberals, especially from the state my brother and I fled from: Massachusetts.
Fleeing the liberal tyranny of what once was my beloved Massachusetts, I sought and was granted citizenship in Lewiston. The fact that New Hampshire stood as a buffer between Maine and Massachusetts provided me with a great comfort. But that was 40 years ago.
Since then this liberal enemy has slowly and deliberately secreted themselves into Maine’s First Congressional District. They are currently in the process of trying to turn Maine into, as Governor Paul R. LePage eloquently stated, “a socialist utopia.”
Living in Maine’s Second District where President Donald Trump rules, you may feel safe and secure from them. But you’re not! Not only are they coming, they are already here.
Last week I received a letter from a very recent arrival to our fair city. The letter writer (who will be referred to as LW) has come to Lewiston from Boston. I feel I should share with you the context of the letter.
The LW begins by reminding me that “as a fellow former Bostonian, I am sure that you remember the wonderful diversity in your native city.”
Yes, I do. Irish, Italians, Poles, Jews, Greeks, Armenians, African-Americans, Russians, Spanish and a cornucopia of others from around the world. We all had two things in common. We were all Americans, and we all shared and spoke the same language—English.
But now the LW liberal friends have transformed Boston into the Tower of Babel. Large portions of those living in Boston speak little to no English, placing a strain on municipal services, schools, hospitals and property taxpayers.
When exploring a move to Maine back in September of last year, the LW was worried about living in the “whitest state,” but came because “we have such diversity here.” The LW went on to state that “having grown up in Boston and attended the Boston Public Schools, the idea of raising my children alongside children from a variety of cultures is very important to me.” This was a “great part of the reason” that the LW moved to Lewiston.
This raises the question: Why did the LW leave Boston? Being enrolled in the Boston Public System, the LW’s children would have been exposed to many more diverse cultures. Yet the LW chose Lewiston. I’m going to take a guess as to why.
Since the creation of school busing, the Boston schools have continued in a downward academic spiral. Poor test results, personal safety issues and criminal behavior by students are daily occurrences. Most native-born Bostonians have fled to the surrounding suburbs.
Or perhaps it is a safety issue. Boston, like many Democratic-run cities throughout the country, has a major crime problem. What once were great neighborhoods have been reduced to gang-infested hell holes. The many outstanding citizens living in these neighborhoods have become prisoners in their own homes. Politicians stand by and do nothing, paralyzed by the thought of bad press, or God forbid, losing their seat.
I was elected handily by the voters of Lewiston, and as their mayor I think I can state with confidence that the majority of people in Lewiston neither want nor need unhelpful social suggestions from these liberals. Perhaps you and your ilk should refocus your compassion on our community’s elderly, veterans and the mentally retarded. Using our strained municipal funds to help them is much more morally correct than using precious dollars to support illegal non-citizens.
Congratulations to the Lewiston High School Cheerleading Team! They again reign as Maine State Champions for the fifth time in the last six years. Their continued success accurately portrays the outstanding work ethic and continual pride found throughout Lewiston.
This coming Sunday, February 19, is the 72nd anniversary of the landing on Iwo Jima. It would be nice if people put aside five minutes of their time and reflected on the sacrifices made by all veterans since 1775.