July Exhibit at the Woman’s Hospital Association Art Gallery
LEWISTON, ME (July 7, 2023) — The Woman’s Hospital Association (WHA) Rotating Art Gallery at Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston is proud to display the paintings of Sandra Pealer and Michael Everett during the month of July.
Pealer, who delights in the medium of watercolor, and loves the way that watercolor depicts light, shadow and mystery, paints from her studio in South Paris. She has painted from home studios in Maine, Vermont, Lake Placid, New York, and West Virginia for over 30 years. Sandra has earned signature status in the Philadelphia, West Virginia, North East and Vermont Watercolor Societies.
A sustaining member of the American and National Watercolor Societies, her work can be found in collections throughout the United States and Canada. Featured in Watercolor Artist Magazine as “One of the Best Watermedia Paintings of 2020, her painting “Artist at Rest” was showcased in the February 2021 issue.
Her paintings may be seen at Birds of a Feather Gallery in Rangeley, Maine, River Arts Gallery, Damariscotta, Maine and Main Street Gallery, Norway, Maine among other venues.
Everett took up oil painting to capture his impressions of remote and wild places of northern Maine. Many of his paintings are scenes from the Allagash and Saint John Rivers. As his interest and skill have progressed, he has become more intrigued with the simple enjoyment of painting, especially in seeking vitality in his use of color. He paints (mostly) landscapes of (mostly) familiar places, and often can be found painting outdoors in his North Auburn neighborhood.
He a member of the Western Maine Art Group and a frequent exhibitor at its Matolcsy Art Center in Norway. He also maintains a website – michaeleverett-artist.com – where he displays his work and occasionally blogs about art.
The works on display may be purchased through the WHA Gift Shop located adjacent to the main lobby at Central Maine Medical Center. A percentage of sale proceeds benefits patients of CMMC.

“Winter Morning” by Michael Everett

“Lupines” by Sandra Pealer