Letter to the Editor
Triple Crown, Poland Spring working
to provide runners with water
To the Editor:
I would like to respond to the recent criticism and letters to the editor regarding the Greater LA Triple Crown 5K Series and our decision to use something other than bottled water for our events.
I would first like to acknowledge that Poland Spring Bottling Co. has been incredibly generous in their support of ours and many other events over the years.
We have great respect for all that they provide locally, and we appreciate their willingness to provide us with Poland Spring water. It was never our intent to alienate Poland Spring Bottling Co. or to have them mischaracterized in the media; for this, we apologize. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and in retrospect we now wish that we had contacted Poland Spring to tell them of our plans and ask for their input.
The Triple Crown committee is comprised entirely of volunteers who devote a great deal of time and energy in creating a series of community events that promote fitness and boasts participation in excess of 2,000 runners and walkers. The proceeds from these events go entirely to worthy causes in our Twin City area. We have long valued the support of our many sponsors, and without them our 5K series would not be possible.
Representatives from both Poland Spring Bottling Co. and our committee recently met and discussed new ways of working together. Poland Spring has graciously offered to provide us with bulk water in five-gallon containers, and they will be donating water for our upcoming eco-friendly races.
We are grateful for Poland Spring’s understanding and are excited to work together in an environmentally sustainable way. We thank them for their continued support.
Mike Lecompte
Triple Crown Chairman
Serious Environmental Issue
At King Middle School, we are learning about Maine being carbon neutral. I have researched and debated energy sources. I believe the best renewable energy sources to use in Maine’s future are wind, solar, and biomass.
Wind energy will help Maine become carbon neutral. Wind turbines do not release any carbon emissions or use any fossil fuels. Off the coast, wind levels are extremely high. We can put wind turbines off the coast providing us with energy. Solar panels do not use oil or fossil fuels to be powered so they will not pollute the water or air. According to Project Sunroof in Portland, solar panels could save homeowners up to twenty thousand dollars over the long term. The average household in Portland could be saving eight six dollars a month. My school alone could be saving seven thousand dollars a month.
Biomass is an energy source Maine could utilize to become carbon neutral. Biomass can be turned to fuel to reduce the dependence of fossil fuels. Most people think that when we cut trees we are depleting the forests, but as long as we replant there will be no negative consequences. With Maine having more trees than people, biomass is an excellent solution to climate change in Maine.
Climate change is a serious issue in today’s society. It is an issue that is currently fixable but if we continue to ignore the fact that things need to change the damage will become irreversible damage.
A Better Future
I am a student at King Middle School. We’ve been learning about energy sources. Every different group, they had different energy sources. We learned a lot about our energy source and also had three debates. From the debates, we learned and heard about different energy sources. The combination of energy sources Maine should utilize to become carbon neutral by 2040 are biofuel, wind and solar.
Wind will help Maine become carbon neutral. Wind is clean energy, it does not emit greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Wind can be a cost-effective source and sustainable.
Solar will help Maine become carbon-neutral. Solar energy power plants do not produce air pollution. Solar is the fastest-growing energy source. Solar keeps getting more efficient and affordable.
Biofuel will help Maine become carbon-neutral. India predicts that using a blend of five percent ethanol in liquid and gas fuels could save them six billion annually. In 2007, the United States government set a target to use thirty-six billion gallons of biofuels by 2022.
In conclusion, wind, solar, biofuel can lead us to carbon neutral by 2040. We are in a climate crisis. We need to act now. Climate change is the reality of our generation. We need to make changes immediately. What can you do to help Maine become carbon neutral for our future generations?