Local foodies line up for “Shine on Lewiston… Let’s Go Eat!”

A huge crowd filled the Franco Center’s Heritage Hall as visitors taste-tested the food offerings, talked with restaurant owners, and visited with LYAC and fellow community members.
“Wow, I want to go to Lewiston to eat!” says a post on the City of Lewiston’s Facebook page showing photos from the Lewiston Youth Advisory Council’s recent event, “Shine on Lewiston… Let’s Go Eat!” The council hosted the gathering at the Gendron Franco Center to highlight Lewiston as a food and dining destination.
The response was excellent, with eager attendees standing in line by 5:20 p.m. prior to the 6 p.m. opening. The twelve local eateries donating food items for sampling were Fish Bones Grill, DaVinci’s, Marco’s, Fran’s Restaurant, Pedro O’Hara, Cowbell Grill & Tap, Forage, Mother India, Luiggi’s Pizzeria, The Cupcakery, E. Claire & Pastries, and the Italian Bakery.
When things got underway, a huge crowd filled the Franco Center’s Heritage Hall as visitors taste-tested the food offerings, talked with restaurant owners, and visited with LYAC and fellow community members. Among those in attendance were Mayor Shane Bouchard, Councilor Joline Beam, Councilor Alica Rea, Councilor Zachary Pettengill, and Rep. Jim Handy.
LYAC members addressed the crowd and handed out “Where’s the Food? – Lewiston, Maine!” bumper stickers. Many visitors took the time to sign display boards about the food. Representative comments included: “They are all so great,” “So much variety,” “Absolutely fantabulous!” “ Eat local,” and “Great diversity and execution.”
The 2018-19 LYAC members who planned and hosted the event were Emma Williams, Hunter Steele, Carolyn Adams, Zachary Morin, Hope Rubito, Lillith Price-Wharff, Damon DeWitt, Maddy Laflamme, Katie Morin, Christine Chasse, Jordy Dushime, Emma Wolverton, and Hunter Landry.
The group’s advisor is Lewiston Community Relations Coordinator Dottie Perham-Whittier and their City Council Liaison is Councilor Zach Pettengill. For more information about the Lewiston Youth Advisory Council, see www.lewistonmaine.gov/lyac.