Memorial Day Parade, Ceremony set for May 27

Pictured here (l. to r., from front) are L & A Veterans Council members Don Dube, Jerry Dewitt, Norm Cote, Helen Taylor, Arthur Roy, Al Landry, Carl Haskel, Norm Bussiere, Moe Fournier, Bert Dutil, Cecile Burgoyne, and Don Gosselin.
The L & A Veterans Council will host their annual Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony on Saturday, May 27. The parade will form at Kennedy Park in Lewiston at 8:30 a.m. and will depart at 9:30. Groups interested in participating, such as musical units, Honor or Color Guards, marching units, antique car clubs, military units or vehicles, military cadets, Boy and Girl Scout troops, fraternal and civic organizations, etc. should call Jerry Dewitt at 576-0376 or Bert Dutil at 786-2305 to register for the line-up.
Following the parade, there will be a Memorial Day Ceremony at 10:30 a.m. at Veterans Memorial Park on Main Street in Lewiston, where the park’s 29th Name Stone and a new polished granite bench will be unveiled by military veterans and local dignitaries.
The member organizations of the L & A Veterans Council are American Legion Posts 22 of Lewiston, 135 of Sabattus, and 153 of Auburn; Amvets Post 6 and Auxiliary of New Gloucester; Disabled American Veterans Chapter 11; Franco American Veterans Post 31 of Lewiston; the Marine Corps League of Central Maine; the Military Order of the Purple Heart; Veterans of Foreign Wars Posts 1603 of Auburn and 9150 of Lewiston. The new officers of the council are Chairman Jerry Dewitt, Co-Chairman Norm Cote, Secretary Helen Taylor, Treasurer Cecile Burgoyne, and Advisor Bert Dutil.