Tambrands employees support SeniorsPlus

Employee Relations Manager Sharon Riddle of Tambrands (c.), with help from Nate Miller and Holly Zielinski of SeniorsPlus, displays one of the fifteen blankets P&G employees made and donated to SeniorsPlus for their annual Day of Caring.
Employees of Proctor & Gamble-Tambrands Inc. of Auburn recently donated fifteen no-sew fleece blankets to SeniorsPlus. The blankets will be distributed to selected clients of SeniorsPlus in need of comfort and warmth. Employees from the Auburn Tambrands Flexi Center made the blankets for clients of SeniorsPlus as part of the annual community service project sponsored by Procter & Gamble. The goal of the site project, called “Day of Caring,” is to give back to people in need in Androscoggin County and surrounding communities. Employees of Proctor & Gamble-Tambrands Inc. donated their time on that day.