The world’s greatest detective shines in a new light as Miss Sherlock Holmes

The Waterville Opera House (WOH) is excited to present a mystery that shines a new light on favorite characters when Miss Holmes opens this January 2020 in Waterville. Inspired by the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, it’s not just another mystery – it’s a reexamination of the Victorian world of Holmes and Watson that explores the added obstacles that these two iconic characters would have faced if they had been women.
In a time and place where gender roles are rigidly defined, Miss Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Dorothy Watson dare to challenge societal norms by providing an unusual, but necessary, service. When an anonymous note sends a newlywed wife looking for help, Miss Holmes and Dr. Watson work together to uncover the secrets surrounding a corrupt police inspector whose wives have a habit of turning up dead. But this Holmes and Watson face far greater challenges than bringing the cunning criminal to justice. Miss Holmes possesses one of the greatest deductive minds of her generation, but she chafes at the restraints imposed upon her by society and family. Dr. Watson struggles to make a difference at the only hospital in London that will hire female doctors.
Join the Waterville Opera House and go on the hunt for a killer with Miss Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Dorothy Watson, and an all-star local cast of memorable characters. With murder, mystery, mistaken identities, and plot twists that you won’t expect, Miss Holmes is an exciting and thought-provoking mystery with a positive message. Reserve your tickets today!
Miss Holmes Showtimes are January 24, 25, 31 and February 1 at 7:30 p.m. and January 26 and February 2 at 2 p.m.
The talented cast of community actors performing in Miss Holmes are Miss Sherlock Holmes: Phoebe Sanborn; Dr. Dorothy Watson: Maggie Wachtl; Edwin Greener/Passerby: Erik Hyatt; Superintendent/Passerby: Joe Blackwell; Mycroft Holmes/Vagrant: Bart Shattuck; Dr. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson/Peggy/Martha: Jeralyn Shattuck; Mrs. Hudson: Eve Blackwell; Eudora Featherstone: Marie Cormier; Inspector Geoffrey Lestrade/Orderly #1: John DeWitt; Lizzie Chapman: Hannah King; Thomas Chapman/Orderly #3: Tim Croce; Dr. Michael Stamford/Passerby: Melvin Morrison; Reginald/Orderly #2: John Buys. Production Team, Written By: Christopher M. Walsh; Director: Debra Susi; Scenic and Lighting Designer: Tony Gerow; Sound Designer: Ben David Richmond; Costume Designer: Candace Chase; Stage Manager: Isaac Tardy
Miss Holmes runs January 24 through February 2 at the Waterville Opera House. Tickets range from $21 to $24. Groups of 10+ receive a 10% discount. WOH’s 19 through 20 season programming is made possible through the generous sponsorship of the Harold Alfond Foundation, Colby College, Golden Pond Wealth Management, Maine General Health, Kennebec Savings Bank, Central Maine Motors, Northern Light Inland Hospital, GHM Agency, Granite Hill Estates, Central Maine Newspapers, Marie Cormier, JS McCarthy Printers, and Woodlands Senior Living. Miss Holmes is presented through special arrangement with Dramatic Publishing. For more information or to reserve tickets call 873-7000, visit our website at or our Box Office at 1 Common Street!
The Waterville Opera House has been Central Maine’s cultural center since 1902, treating audiences of all ages to the magic of the performing arts. The 810-seat venue has been host to theatrical productions, ballet performances, concerts, vaudeville and comedy acts, touring shows, as well as a variety of community celebrations and special events. Each year, the Opera House draws 30,000 patrons, reaches 4,000 students through its education performances, and features 250 youths in their theater camps and productions. From the classics to new releases the Waterville Opera House has a seat for you. For more information, visit