Vigil to Raise Awareness Of Homelessness in Lewiston/Auburn
LEWISTON, ME (December 6, 2022) — New Beginnings, Lewiston/Auburn Alliance for Services to the Homeless (LAASH), Trinity Jubilee Center, and the Pleasant St. Drop-in Center invite the community to join their annual candlelight vigil to remember people without stable homes during the holiday season to be held from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 21, 2022 in downtown Lewiston. The vigil is part of a national movement of cities marking National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day on or near the winter solstice, the first day of winter and the longest night of the year.
Supporters are invited to meet at 4:30 p.m. below the HOPEFUL sign along Main Street in Lewiston, and are encouraged to add names, photos, and candles to a temporary visual memorial to honor our unhoused friends and neighbors who died in the past year. Each person should bring their own flashlight or electric candle to hold, and a sign if they choose.
Vigil participants will then stand along both sides of Main Street in Lewiston with lights and signs to raise awareness about the crisis of homelessness to passersby during the Wednesday evening commute from 4:30 until 5:30 pm (between Mill St./Hopeful sign and Lincoln St./Veteran’s memorial).
PLEASE DRESS WARMLY – event will be held no matter the weather.
Names or photos for the event’s visual memorial may be submitted in advance via email to by 12/15/22.
Parking is available in nearby municipal lots. Event details and downloadable flyer available on New Beginning’s website at
Each year since 1990, the National Coalition for the Homeless has co-sponsored National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day. In an effort to maximize the impact of the day, organizers have encouraged statewide and local groups to hold events of their own. New Beginnings and LAASH have held the L/A Vigil annually for more than 20 years.
ABOUT the Sponsors:
New Beginnings (134 College Street Lewiston) has helped runaway and homeless youth find opportunities for the safety, connection, and growth that they need to thrive since 1980 through shelter, housing, and outreach programs since. To learn more visit or call (207)795-4077. For 24-hour Helpline, call Marian’s Place Shelter: (207)795-4070.
The Lewiston/Auburn Alliance of Services to the Homeless (LAASH) is a collaborative of organizations that seeks to improve the manner in which homeless persons and those at-risk of homelessness in the Greater Lewiston-Auburn area are assisted to find housing with appropriate services to maintain independence. Connect at or email
Trinity Jubilee Center (53 Spruce Street Lewiston) is a secular organization in the heart of Lewiston, serving those in need since 1991 with a soup kitchen, food pantry, day shelter and warming center, refugee assistance, and help finding work and housing. (207)782-5700.
Pleasant Street Drop-In Center (First Universalist Church of Auburn UU at 169 Pleasant Street Auburn) is a volunteer-run low barrier weekend resource center welcoming the unhoused community with meals, donated basic needs items, and clothing – currently open Sundays and Wednesday mornings. PSDI welcomes people of all backgrounds and life experiences to “come as you are” as valued members of our community. Facebook group at