APD launches HERO Initiative

Press conference speakers included Michael Wardrop, Resident Agent in Charge at U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, Scott Pelletier, Commander at Maine Drug Enforcement Agency, Andrew Robinson, District Attorney for Androscoggin County Jonathan LaBonté, Auburn Mayor, Phillip Crowell, Auburn Chief of Police, Silas Howland, Co-Founder/Director of Recover Together, Janine Champagne of St. Francis Recovery Center and Nicole Garrant of Tri-County Mental Health Services. TCT photo by Laurie A. Steele.
Auburn’s drug abuse awareness campaign, HERO Initiative press conference was held at Auburn City Hall on September 21.
The Auburn police department partnered with several public health
officials and social service providers to present information at community forums on drug abuse from a local perspective.
A week-long series of community forums
are being held to raise community awareness on drug abuse and its associated dangers.
For more information visit www.AuburnPD.com.