Mechanics Savings Bank donates $2,500 to Sandcastle

Mechanics Savings Bank’s Mona Leavitt (2nd from right) presents a $2,500 donation check to Sandcastle Clinical & Educational Services. Also pictured (l. to r.) are Sandcastle staff members Charlene O’Clair, Stephanie Gelinas, and Robert Baskett.
Sandcastle Clinical & Educational Services is a private, nonprofit agency committed to providing quality services for children with special needs and those at risk of developmental issues. Established in 1996, the organization provides education, early identification, prevention, and therapy to 600 children each year.Mechanics Savings Bank recently donated $2,500 to Sandcastle Clinical & Educational Services. The funds will be used to support the nonprofit’s only major fundraising event: Maine’s Got Talent. Lewiston-Auburn’s premier music competition will take place at the Ramada Conference Center in Lewiston on Saturday, March 8. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the show starts at 7:00. Tickets can be purchased online at For more information, call 782-2150.
“Sandcastle is so appreciative of the ongoing support of Mechanics Savings Bank,” said Sandcastle Executive Director Stephanie Gelinas. “Mona Leavitt, the bank’s Chief Deposits Officer, has given endlessly of her time and talent, serving as the chair of our fundraising committee and sitting on our finance committee.”
“The success of any non-profit depends on its volunteers, and Mona has been instrumental in helping us coordinate Maine’s Got Talent,” she continued. “It takes a lot of time and effort to organize a fundraiser of this magnitude, and we are very thankful to have Mechanics Savings Bank’s generous support as a corporate sponsor.”
“Mechanics Savings Bank employees also volunteer in our reading program. On a monthly basis, the bank sends an employee to read to the children in our early childhood education center. This is such a wonderful way to give back to the community, and the children love visiting readers!”
Mechanics Savings Bank has branches in Auburn, Lewiston, Brunswick, and Windham. In the past year, the bank has supported more than 90 nonprofit organizations with donations and sponsorships. Last year, the bank’s staff of 75 employees volunteered more than 4,530 hours to organizations within Androscoggin and Cumberland counties.
Mechanics Savings Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and Member FDIC.