Plourde Scholarship helps Pettingill project

This portrait of Mayor Alfred A. Plourde hangs in the hallway at Lewiston City Hall (photo by Dave Gudas).
The Alfred A. Plourde Memorial Scholarship recently awarded its remaining balance of $1733.42 to the Friends of Pettingill group, who are working with the City of Lewiston to convert the site of the former Pettingill Elementary School into a city park.
The award was made by Janice Plourde, who has administered the scholarship since it was established in 1990. Ms. Plourde retired from her teaching position in 2012 after 53 years of working for the Lewiston School Department. The scholarship fund was established in memory of her husband, Alfred A. Plourde, who served as mayor of Lewiston from 1984 to 1987 and strongly believed in the potential of youth.