Letters: Letter was clear and direct
To the Editor:
Lewiston Mayor Macdonald’s main criticism of Jordan Handy’s Letter to the Editor seems to be its incoherence, but I found it to be clear and direct. (“Enough is Enough: Why is there so much pressure to attend college?,” TCT, July 11, 2013)
The mayor did find an awkward sentence; I’ll give him that. But as one of Jordan’s former English teachers, I feel compelled to point out that the mayor ended his column with this sentence: “The last thing we don’t want to see in the windows of future employers is a sign stating: ‘Lewiston and EL Graduates need not apply.’ ” This is a double negative.
What it means is that we do want to see that sign in windows.
James Siragusa
Good catch. Well done.
I hate it when big men bully kids.
Just doesn’t sit well with me.