A day trip to Phippsburg
Out and About
by Rachel Morin
It was a lovely mid-August day, sunny, warm, with blue sky filled with fluffy white clouds. It was the kind of day for a pleasant family outing. My family and I were off to enjoy breakfast at Sebasco Harbor Resort in Phippsburg. Sitting at our table, with an oceanside view, we settled in to enjoy a wide selection of food laid out for guests. Servers were busy helping us with our choices, so many and so delicious!

We learned Sebasco had a slow start for business this spring, but things started to pick up in July. By now, in August, business was the best it has ever been, according to Bob Smith, owner of the Sebasco Harbor Resort.
There were several tables with families and everyone was enjoying the food. Following our tasty breakfast, we walked around the spacious grounds enjoying the salt water air and seeing boats dotting the water everywhere.
But being the ardent flower gardeners we are, we made a point to spend most of our time walking through the huge well-cared for flower gardens. The flowers were luxurious and at their peak. They called for us to take pictures! Not a weed in sight!
And so, we took our time, looking carefully at each clump of flowers, identifying each flower, and comparing it to the ones we had at home. We continued our slow meandering and picture taking until we had seen every flower and then walked along the ocean side for more pictures.
We then continued our wanderlust drive around Phippsburg and stopped to see the biggest Linden Tree we have ever seen in Maine. It was beautiful in its majesty but we were unable to capture the entire tree by camera.
The Phippsburg Congregational Church with its close to 300 years of history was nearby. A posted sign saying it is closed during the pandemic but parishioners may still access it online with messages from the pastor.
Next we came across two very old cemeteries across the road from each other and visited them and read the tombstones with interest. Lots of history to learn there. Old fashioned names and their lives depicted on the tombstones. More pictures as we walked along the rock–walled enclosed cemeteries.

After a few more stops along the way, we headed home to work on some art projects for Gerry and Debbie’s art gallery in their backyard deck. It was a very enjoyable day and we promised ourselves another day before our Maine winter sets in.