Compassion Cures: Building Hope by Overcoming Stigma
AUBURN, ME (June 16, 2023) — The Auburn Public Library, in partnership with Be the Influence Coalition and other community resource partners, is pleased to present a screening of Compassion Cures. This 30-minute documentary features collective voices and original music which addresses overcoming stigma related to mental health and substance misuse disorder. It also provides resources on helping, in a compassionate way, those who are affected.
The screening will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Tri County Mental Health and Healthy Androscoggin, and there will be a resource table available at the event. It is a great opportunity to learn about community efforts to address mental health and substance misuse. The screening will take place on Tuesday, June 27, in the Androscoggin Community Room starting at 5 p.m.
This program is part of Auburn Public Library’s summer reading program and pairs with the statewide summer Read ME program, which is sponsored by the Maine Humanities Council, the Maine State Library, and the Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance. This summer’s selected books are Lungfish by Meghan Gilliss and Night of the Living Rez by Morgan Talty. Both books, although fictional in nature, touch upon family life, survival, and perseverance, while Lungfish specifically addresses poverty, addiction and substance misuse.
For information about the book discussions at APL on July 6 (Lungfish) and August 10 (Night of the Living Rez), contact the Reference Desk at 207-333-6640, ext. 4. For more information about Read ME, visit the Maine Humanities Council’s website at