Holiday Giving Train ready to roll in Downtown Lewiston

Located outside Healthy Androscoggin’s office at 124 Lisbon Street, the Giving Train is filled with healthy, non-perishable food items available to everyone. Donations are invited!
Healthy Androscoggin has turned its summer Edible Lisbon Street Planters into a Holiday Giving Train for the community. The Giving Train, located outside Healthy Androscoggin’s office at 124 Lisbon Street, is filled with healthy, non-perishable food items that are available to everyone. The concept of “Take a Meal – Leave a Meal” encourages those who want to help their neighbors address the issue of food insecurity to leave healthy food items in the cars of the train. Likewise, those facing food insecurity are encouraged to help themselves to the healthy options available in the train.
Healthy Androscoggin and a local Girl Scout troop provided the initial stocking of the Giving Train. As the holiday season progresses, the opportunity to add healthy, nutritious food items to the train will allow everyone to spread a bit of joy throughout the community in a meaningful and helpful way. Donations should be healthy (whole-grain, low-salt, low sugar), non-perishable food items packaged in waterproof containers (such as cans, plastic, or cardboard boxes inside a zip-lock bag). The Giving Train will be available through the holiday season; any leftover food items will be distributed to local food pantries.
If you are not able to get to the Giving Train to donate a food item, financial donations are also welcome; send a check or money order to Healthy Androscoggin at 300 Main Street, Lewiston, ME 04240. For more information about the project, contact Healthy Androscoggin at 795-5990,, or see