Juliana L’Heurex to address Rotary Club

For three decades, L’Heureux has written about Franco-Americans through newspaper articles and published essays.
At the next lunch meeting of the LA Rotary Club on Thursday, May 11, from noon to 1 p.m. at the Ramada Inn of Lewiston, Juliana L’Heureux will discuss the contributions of the area’s Franco Americans to the nation’s wars and military campaigns.
L’Heureux is a member of the Franco-American Collection’s board of directors and chair of the collection’s upcoming exhibit and program on Franco American veterans. She has written about Franco-Americans for 30 years through newspaper articles and published essays. Her blog on the Bangor Daily News website is called “Franco-American News and Culture.” She served on the Franco-American Task Force appointed by the Maine Legislature and is a member of the Franco-American Hall of Fame.
Guests are welcome to attend and reservations are not required Lunch is available for $10 in the Ramada’s Fusion Restaurant. For more information, contact Monica Millhime at 753-9040 or mmillhime@wmca.org.