MAINE Oxy donates $20,000 to Travis Mills Foundation

Members of Maine Oxy’s Golf Committee present SSG Travis Mills (c.) with a $20,000 donation check at the Travis Mills Foundation Retreat in Rome, Maine. Pictured here with Mills are (from l.) Diana Picavet, Jamie Richards, Dan Guerin, Tom Cyr, Denise Guerin, and Allison Brothers.
MAINE Oxy recently hosted its annual charity golf tournament, raising $20,000 to benefit the Travis Mills Foundation. The amount was the largest the tournament has raised to date and represented the company’s largest charitable donation ever.
“Thanks to our generous sponsors and players, it’s the biggest donation we’ve ever made,” said Dan Guerin, Maine Oxy President and CEO. “I’m thrilled it’s going to an organization that focuses on people who’ve sacrificed so much for us.”
“I am incredibly humbled that the team at Maine Oxy would support the Travis Mills Foundation for the second year in a row,” said SSG Travis Mills. “Our mission is driven by people from around the country who believe in the service and sacrifice of our nation’s recalibrated veteran families. A $20,000 donation helps us keep our promise to support them.”
The Travis Mills Foundation is a nonprofit organization that assists wounded and injured veterans and their families. In June 2017, the Foundation opened its national retreat center in Rome, Maine, where veterans and their families from across the country come to spend a week of rest, relaxation and reflection. It costs about $1000 per person, per week to attend.
“I am committed that no veteran family ever pays to enjoy our retreat,” added SSG Mills. “Thank you to everyone from Maine Oxy who believes in us and made this gift possible.”
In 2017, the Foundation hosted 84 veteran families. To date, Maine Oxy has donated more than $30,000 to the Travis Mills Foundation.