Over 500 dogs
for show in
CUMBERLAND – More than 500 AKC Pure Bred Dogs are entered to compete at the Cumberland County Fairgrounds in a show that runs from today through Sunday.
Dogs from all over the US are registered to compete in AKC Shows and Obedience Events all 4 days. Breed Confirmation, Obedience, Rallies, and Junior Showmanship will all be examined by AKC Licensed Judges, flying into Maine, from all over the United States.
Beginning at 9 a.m. each day, as many as 137 different Breeds of Pure Bred dogs will enter show rings to compete for the top honors, such as Winners Female and Male, Best of Breed, Group Wins, Best in Show, High in Obedience Trials and Rally Competition.
Over 50 Labrador Retrievers are entered for competition on Sunday!
All judging will be outdoors under tents. Spectators are encouraged to attend. Food and supply vendors will also be on the grounds. The format of the show is similar to the dog shows seen on television.
Sponsoring clubs include Central Maine Kennel Club, Lewiston Auburn Kennel Club and Penobscot Valley Kennel Club all have a long history in Maine and are AKC sanctioned.
These clubs are active in the Maine Federation of Dog Clubs, which works towards advancement of purebred dogs, and provides education to the general public about responsible dog ownership, animal welfare, and ethical breeding.