Stars, catapults, robots featured in summer STEAM classes for parents and children

Yahya Ismael, who taught Arabic at Lewiston High School this year, will kick off the program with a one-night class in Basic Arabic.
Stars, catapults and robots will help teach science lessons this summer as part of Lewiston Adult Education’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) program for parents and children. Part of a collaboration between Lewiston Adult Education and several other local organizations, including 4-H and Bates College, the program will offer fun and informative classes from June through August.
The first class on the schedule is “Basic Arabic,” taught by Yahya Ismael on Tuesday, June 27 at Lewiston High School. Ismael has taught Arabic to high school students for the past academic year and will provide this one-night lesson a few weeks before his return to his home in Egypt. The other classes in the program are: “Discover Stars,” led by Nicole Hastings at Bates College’s Ladd Planetarium on Tuesday, July 18; “Physics Concepts,” led by Maisy Cyr of 4-H Youth Development on Tuesday, August 1; “Fun with Catapults,” led by Maisy Cyr on Tuesday, August 15; “Robots,” led by Chris Dorman of the Maine State Library on Tuesday, August 22; and “Preparing for College,” led by Doug Dumont of Lewiston High School’s Aspirations Lab on Thursday, August 24.
Except for “Discover Stars,” which will take place at Ladd Planetarium at Bates College, all classes will take place at Lewiston High School. The events are free, but registration is required. For more information, call Lewiston Adult Education at 795-4141.