Step up Lewiston: Board, committee volunteers needed

LEWISTON, ME – The City of Lewiston calls on community-minded residents to step forward to help shape the future of the city by volunteering on the City’s boards and committees. With 38 current and upcoming vacancies, primarily due to term expirations, there are numerous opportunities for residents to contribute their time, skills, and experience to strengthen Lewiston.
Openings are available on the following boards and committees:
Board of Appeals
Community Development Block Grant Review Committee
Complete Streets Committee
Finance Committee
Historic Preservation Review Board
Housing Committee
L/A Community Forestry Board
Lewiston Area Public Health Committee
Lewiston Auburn Clean Water Authority
Library Board of Trustees
Planning Board
Due to residency requirements in the City Charter, neither the Board of Appeals nor the Planning Board may have more than two members serving simultaneously from the same wards. This provision is to ensure adequate and balanced representation from all sections of the city.
“Our boards and committees play a vital role in guiding city policies and fostering a more connected, innovative Lewiston,” said City Clerk Kathy Montejo. “This is an opportunity for residents to get involved, make their voices heard, and help us build a stronger community together.”
Serving on a city committee offers both personal and civic rewards, as residents attest. “Joining the Library Board gave me strong relationships, pride in our library’s work, leadership and fundraising skills, and a real stake in Lewiston’s future,” said Mariah Pfeiffer, a Library Board of Trustees member.
Longtime resident Lucy Bisson reflected on nearly three decades of civic service: “Over thirty years ago I realized that I needed and wanted to become involved with the decisions being made regarding the future of my City, so I decided to serve on one of the many boards which help to guide our City. My first opportunity was the Board of Appeals. Over the years, it has been my privilege to join a few boards, such as the Historical Preservation Board, Personnel Board (no longer exists), Transportation Board and the Planning Board. I also spent many years working at the polls. It has been extremely rewarding serving with other concerned citizens and working with the knowledgeable City staff. I encourage anyone who is interested in the future of our City to become involved. You won’t regret it! I know I haven’t.”
“For the past 20 plus years, I have served on several of the City boards and committees open to the public,” said active city volunteer Paul Robinson. “For me, it’s a way of staying current on community issues, contributing my views, and having a vote on the outcome. It gives me a better understanding of the “why” of certain policies and decisions. In short, community involvement adds up to being an informed and contributing citizen.”
To learn more about committee roles, meeting times and responsibilities, visit or call the City Clerk’s Department (207) 513-3124 during office hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7:45 AM to 4 PM and Tuesday from 7:45 AM to 5:30 PM.
Applications are available on the City’s website at Completed applications must be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office by 12 PM on Mon., Dec. 30, although submissions will be accepted until all positions are filled.