YWCA’S Women of Achievement Awards open for nomination

Nominations for YWCA Central Maine’s Women of Achievement Awards are now open. The awards brunch to be held on March 10th, 2024, at the Hilton Garden Inn Auburn Riverwatch will honor four distinguished women from Androscoggin County and the Greater State of Maine.
The Women of Achievement Awards Brunch is one the YWCA’s largest bi-annual fundraisers and was founded in 2015 to honor the powerful leadership of women in Maine. This award program began to recognize the outgoing YWCA Board President, Lee Young. The decision to honor her work inspired YWCA executive leadership to create annual awards to celebrate the accomplishments of women in our community and state. The brunch convenes a diverse cross-section of our community, including organization leaders, educators, activists, artists, entrepreneurs, politicians, and supporters of the YWCA.
The Women of Achievement Awards Brunch is not only a uniquely, powerful celebration of women leaders, it is also an opportunity for proceeds to support the YWCA’s work in the community, which provides meaningful programming and services to further the mission of empowering women, and eliminating racism, including scholarships for children in our community to attend summer camp and swim lessons.
YWCA Central Maine invites the community to submit nominations for our Women of Achievement award that includes four distinct categories honoring: Leadership, Social Justice, Service, and Philanthropy. The award namesakes have all contributed their service to YWCA and their legacies inspire the work of the organization. The four awards include the Lee Young Leadership Award, the Marcia Baxter Social Justice Award, the Tonie Ramsey Service Award, and the Priscilla Gendron Legacy Award. Nominations are open until February 1, 2024. To nominate go to: https://bit.ly/NominateWOA Tickets for Women of Achievement can be purchased at: https://YWCAMaineWOA.eventbrite.com
If you are interested in sponsoring this event or donating an item to the silent auction please reach out to Jennifer Molloy, Chief Development and Communications Officer at jmolloy@ywcamaine.org