Andwell Health Partners doctor receives award

LEWISTON, ME — Elizabeth Balsam Hart, MD, Hospice Medical Director/Director of Medical Services at Andwell Health Partners, the largest, non-profit home and community-based healthcare and care management organization in Maine, was named one of the most influential leaders in hospice and palliative care, a field focused on relieving suffering and improving quality of life for people with serious illnesses.
The American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM) asked its more than 5,000 members to nominate who they think are the leaders – or Visionaries – in the field.
Dr. Hart is one of those physicians, nurses and healthcare professionals recognized by their peers for the important role they played in advancing the specialty of Hospice and Palliative Care.
“I am inspired by Dr. Hart’s visionary leadership and unwavering dedication to excellence in hospice and palliative care,” said Jackie Fournier, Nurse Practitioner, Andwell Health Partners. “She has been instrumental in developing an evidence-based practice and culture of excellence at Andwell. Under her leadership, the palliative and hospice practice has grown significantly to meet the needs across the State of Maine always keeping the patient and their family at the center. She blends the art and science of care seamlessly.”
Dr. Hart is a family physician with additional board certifications in Hospice and Palliative Medicine and Geriatrics. An honors graduate of Harvard-Radcliffe Colleges and Dartmouth Medical School, she completed her family medicine residency and her geriatric fellowship at Maine-Dartmouth Family Medicine Residency in Augusta. She is a graduate of the Practice Change Fellowship (PCF), a national program supported by the Hartford Foundation and Atlantic Philanthropies to advance excellence in geriatric leadership. She enjoyed her two-year local PCF project, “Cultivating Meaningful Conversations to Guide Care,” which focused on launching the POLST (Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) program in Maine.
Hospice and palliative medicine is the medical specialty that focuses on improving quality of life and relieving pain and other symptoms in seriously ill patients. Palliative care can and should be provided to patients who continue to receive treatments to try to cure or control their disease, regardless of their prognosis. Hospice is a specific type of palliative care for patients whose life expectancy is likely to be six months or less. Hospice and palliative care also helps patients and families understand their treatment options and make decisions about their care, and provides information on spiritual and psychosocial services, support for family and caregivers and grief counseling.
“This program recognizes extraordinary individuals who continue to enhance the delivery of care for seriously ill patients and have brought true innovation to our field,” noted Wendy-Jo Toyama, MBA FASAE, AAHPM CEO.
“These visionaries represent thousands of clinicians, educators, and researchers who continue to innovate and lead the field to provide the highest quality care and support for those living with serious illness and their caregivers.” noted Vicki Jackson, president of AAHPM.
More information on the Visionaries project, including the list of the award winners is on the Academy’s website