Historical Society exhibits for Maine Bicentennial
The Androscoggin Historical Society has installed exhibits that recognize local participation in the separation of Maine from Massachusetts in 1819 to 1820.
For each town that existed in 1819 in what became Androscoggin County, these displays include election returns on the question of separation, as well as the returns concerning adoption of the State’s constitution. The delegates to the Constitutional Convention from these towns are also listed.
Of particular interest to residents of the Twin Cities is a map used by Pejepscot Proprietor Josiah Little in 1820 of the area that includes the Great Falls and the confluence of the Little Androscoggin with the Great Androscoggin River. This now is the downtown area of Lewiston and Auburn. The map was redrawn from a digital copy of the original map in the Maine Historical Society’s collection.
These documents are found, along with artifacts representative of the period, one in a display case in the entrance of Auburn Hall and two in a display case on the second floor of the Lewiston Public Library.
For more information, call 784-0586 or email info@androhist.org.