L-A Rotary to Welcome Steve Collins

Rotary Lunch Club from noon to 1 p.m. at The Village Inn, 165 High Street, Auburn. Collins is the State House Reporter for the Sun Journal newspaper and Board President of Youth Journalism International. Collins will share information regarding the upcoming Bill of Rights concert in Auburn. The concert, which is the Maine premiere of this work, will be at 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 22, at the First Universalist Church in Auburn. The music, which is for a large chorus and eight-member ensemble, brings the immortal words of the first Ten Amendments of the United States Constitution to life. Wesleyan University Professor Neely Bruce, who composed the work, will be in Maine to conduct. U.S. Sen. Angus King plans to share insights on the Bill of Rights as part of the event. L-A Rotary meets every Thursday at The Village Inn, Auburn from noon to 1 p.m. Lunch is available for $14. Guests and visiting Rotarians are always welcomed. For more information, events and other club news visit www.lewistonauburnrotary.org and www.facebook.com/lewistonmainerotary/ or contact PR/Marketing Chair, Monica Millhime 713.7045, millhime@myfairpoint.net or Club President Celeste Yakawonis, 713.7111.