Sen. Rotundo seeks to honor victims of Lewiston shooting
AUGUSTA, ME — On Wednesday, January 3, Sen. Peggy Rotundo, D-Lewiston, introduced a Joint Resolution to honor the 18 people killed in the mass shooting that took place in Lewiston on October 25. Wednesday was the first day of the second session of the 131st Legislature.
“I offer this Joint Resolution on behalf of the Legislature, to honor the memories of the eighteen Mainers killed in the Lewiston mass shooting,” said Sen. Rotundo. “This Resolution represents our shared grief and compassion for our Maine neighbors who with broken hearts and lives must now manage the new absences in their lives. It is my hope that this resolution also represents our commitment to ensure this tragedy is not forgotten, remembering that we truly honor those we have lost by coming together and making a difference in the world.”
Sen. Rotundo also welcomed the Lewiston High School chorus to sing the National Anthem to begin the session. The opening invocation was given by Reverend Sarah Gillespie of Androscoggin Home Healthcare and Hospice in Lewiston. Many Lewiston First Responders were also on hand to accept the thanks and best wishes of the Legislature.
A Joint Resolution is an expression of the will of the Legislature to express special recognition or opinion. It does not have the effect of law.

Sen. Peggy Rotundo, Rep. Kristen Cloutier and Rep. Michel Lajoie with Lewiston High School Choral Music Teacher Moll Brown (far left) and the Lewiston High School Chamber Singers