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This week’s edition!

Senior Community Center opens for the summer

From City of Auburn

AUBURN – The City of Auburn is officially re­opening the Auburn Senior Community Center for in-person programming – just in time for summer!

“Our team has been working hard to offer a variety of take-home and outdoor programming throughout the pandemic,” said Sabrina Best, Recre­ation Director. “We’re just so excited to welcome our community back to the center.”

The Auburn Senior Community Center – lo­cated at 48 Pettengill Park Road – first opened fol­lowing renovations in No­vember of 2019, during Auburn’s year-long Ses­quicentennial celebration. The popular facility has been used nearly every day since then, booked solid with programming, meet­ings, events, and rentals, until the doors were closed in March of 2020 in re­sponse to the pandemic. “We went from thriving to surviving as we quick­ly transitioned the facility and staff to our ‘Grab & Go’ community food dis­tribution program,” said Best.

Staff and residents alike are looking forward to getting things “back to normal” at the Center. A monthly calendar of events – along with a full list of summer programs, such as take-home craft kits, movies, lawn games, trips, chair yoga, tech talks and much more – is available on the Auburn Recreation page at

Some small group programming started back up in May as CDC guide­lines allowed, but the fa­cility and staff are fully prepared to welcome larg­er local senior groups and clubs this summer. “In ad­dition to our fun program­ming for ages 50-plus, we host local senior groups who use the space for their weekly/monthly meetings and bingo,” said Recre­ation Specialist Jamie Longley.

New Auburn Seniors will meet on Monday July 12, doors open at 9:30am, meeting starts at 11:00am.

Robin Dow Seniors will meet on Wednesday July 14, doors open at 9:30am, meeting starts at 11:00am.

Bingo to follow each meeting.

For more information about this facility, to reg­ister for a program, or to find the monthly calendar please visit www.auburn­, call the Auburn Recreation Department at 333-6611, or email auburn­

One Response to “Senior Community Center opens for the summer”

  • Marcel Gagne:

    My name is Marcel Gagne and we have a 3-piece oldies band (Johnny & the Rock-its), and we play at living facilities and elderly facilities raising awareness and funds for Alzheimers. We donate our time and look to collect smiles as compensation.
    Let us know if Auburn seniors might be interested in a free show at one of your events.
    Marcel Gagne

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