SeniorsPlus to present OMA art show in Lewiston
LEWISTON, ME (August 25, 2023) — SeniorsPlus, Western Maine’s designated Area Agency on Aging, will present an Opening Minds through Art (OMA) art show at the agency’s Lewiston headquarters at 8 Falcon Road on Friday, September 8, from 1 to 3 p.m. The event is free and refreshments will be provided. Meet the artists, see their work, and learn more about OMA, an award-winning, evidence-based, art-making program that aims to provide social engagement and create expression for persons living with dementia. Funded by a grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, DHHS, Washington, DC, OMA strives to bring joy, art, and pride to people living with dementia and Alzheimer’s in our community. Contact SeniorsPlus at 207-795-4010 for more information.
Through a series of classes, OMA engages people with dementia in creating art based on imagination, not memory. During the six-week program, people with dementia (the “artists”) are paired one-on-one with volunteers who help them create art.

Me and Three, Watercolor and India ink by Lewiston OMA artist Linda, 2023.