St. Dom’s Students raise nearly $1,000 in a day to help victims of hurricane Dorian
Inspired by a conversation about the destruction caused by Hurricane Dorian, students at Saint Dominic Academy in Auburn decided to do more than feel sad.
“I incorporate current events, whenever possible,” said Anne Pontbriand, religion teacher at St. Dom’s. “At the beginning of each class last week, I brought up the people of the Bahamas in our class prayers. Some students wanted to talk about it at length and know what they could do.”
The students quickly came up with the idea for a “dress down day” to raise money for victims of the hurricane in the Bahamas.
“Sarah Brown, Molly Brown, and Alec Beaudin took action and asked our administration if they could do a fundraiser,” said Pontbriand.
For $3, students, faculty, and staff could wear jeans and a t-shirt to school, and for $5, students could wear athletic clothes.
“Many donated more than the required fee just to support the cause,” said Debra Anthoine, director of advancement at the academy. “The total raised was $925 to support the victims of Hurricane Dorian.”
The proceeds will be sent to Catholic Relief Services which, along with local partners, are working to assess immediate needs in the Bahamas and organizing food, emergency shelter, and safe water for affected families.
The fundraiser will help make a small difference for people in need and left a big impression on the students in the process.
“I really think the students felt a sense of purpose and responsibility in helping people so far from us who we don’t even know,” said Pontbriand, “Those in need are part of our world family.”
Last weekend, all of Maine’s Catholic churches also held a special collection to provide aid and support to victims of Hurricane Dorian as well as other natural disasters that could occur this year. If you wish to offer assistance to victims of Hurricane Dorian, visit or call 1-877-HELP-CRS.