State primary, school budget election absentee ballots available

LEWISTON, ME – Absentee ballots are now available for Lewiston registered voters from the City Clerk’s Office for the State Primary and School Budget Validation Referendum Election, both on Tue., Jun. 11. The deadline to request absentee ballots is Thu., Jun. 6.
Registered voters who need an absentee ballot may call the City Clerk’s Office at (207) 513-3124; order online from the City website (; mail in an application form (to 27 Pine Street); or come into the City Clerk’s Office, City Hall, 27 Pine Street, second floor from 8:30 AM to 4 PM on weekdays. Office hours are Mon. – Fri., 8:30 AM – 4 PM.
Since the purpose of the State primary election is for members of political parties to select their nominees to run in the November general election, registered voters enrolled in the Democratic or Republican parties will receive a ballot for their political party. Per State law, voters enrolled in one of the other political parties (Green-Independent, No Labels, or Libertarian) are not able to receive a State candidate ballot in this election.
Registered voters who are not enrolled in any political party have the choice to select the Democratic or Republican ballot in this election since State law changed this year to semi-open primary elections.
Every race on both party ballots is uncontested except for U.S. Representative to Congress on the Republican ballot and House District 96 on the Republican ballot.
The following candidate races will be appearing on the Lewiston ballots: U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative to Congress, State Senate, State Representative for Districts 93, 94, 95, and 96, and Register of Probate. All voters will receive a municipal referendum ballot for adoption of the school budget.
The City’s website ( contains sample ballots, directions to polling places, and other information that voters may find useful.
Voters with questions may contact the City Clerk’s Office at (207) 513-3124.